Research activities

The Department of Psychology is characterized by a diverse and dynamic research activity. This includes the development and testing of diagnostic instruments for basic research and practical application, media and communication psychology studies, learning, school and educational psychology studies, small group and justice research, analyses of customer satisfaction, studies on the effectiveness of psychotherapeutic measures, organizational and business psychology studies and studies on the history of psychology.

Research activities in the Department of Psychology are carried out by all units of the department and include basic and applied research. In addition to sub-discipline-specific issues, overarching research topics (across work units and beyond the boundaries of the sub-disciplines) are addressed. This research profile outlines overarching topics and is of course subject to change. All five research units and the IKM successfully acquire competitive third-party funding. In total, the department's third-party funding income amounts to just under EUR 1 million per year (of which approx. 2/3 is DFG funding). Infrastructure elements such as the psychotherapeutic outpatient clinics and the psychophysiological central laboratory, which has been established since 2018, contribute to research, as do central facilities under the scientific direction of members of the department (Methods Center, Media Center, Center for Empirical Pedagogical Research).