Prof. Dr. Manfred Schmitt
Prof. Schmitt retired at the end of the summer semester 2019 and is no longer active at the university. Therefore, he is no longer available for the supervision of theses or for exams. For this, please contact the team of the work unit Personality, Psychological Assessment, and Psychological Methods. For other inquiries you can reach Prof. Schmitt as usual by mail.
About the person
Studies of psychology and pedagogy at Universität Trier (1974-1978)
Studies of Human Development atPennsylvania-State-University (1978-1979)
Diploma (Psychology) 1980
Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) 1988
Habilitation (venia legendi for psychology) 1996
Substitute professorship for developmental psychology at Universität des Saarlandes (1996-1997)
Professorship for methodology, psychological diagnostics and evaluation research at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg (1997-2000)
Professorship for social psychology at Universität Trier (2000-2004)
Visiting professorship as Fulbright Scholar at the University of California, Davis (2002)
Chair of diagnostics and personality psychology at the Universität Koblenz-Landau (seit 2004)
Visiting professorship at Portland State University (2008)
Visiting professorship at Virginia Polytechnical Institute (2012)
- Visiting professorship at George Mason University (2018)
Research interests
- Social justice
- Social emotions
- Social responsibility, willingness to help, solidarity
- Behavioral consistency and consistency moderators
- Latent state-trait theory
Research programs
- Gerechtigkeit im wiedervereinigten Deutschland
- Sensibilität für Ungerechtigkeit
- Optimierung des Beck-Depressions-Inventars
- Messäquivalenz im Kulturvergleich
- Synergetische Person x Situations-Interaktion
- Moderatoren der Konsistenz von Indikatoren impliziter und expliziter Repräsentationen
- Arbeitsgruppe Verantwortung, Gerechtigkeit, Moral
External platform for publications: SciPort RLP