Sabrina Ecker


Fortstraße 7
Building: H, Room: H107, Floor: 1st floor
76829 Landau

Consultation hours by appointment

About the person

Publications (peer reviewed)

  • Van Peursem, S.*, Ecker, S.*, & Maier, M. (2023). The quest of measuring Authoritarianism: A comparison of German short scales. Politische Psychologie, 11(1), 25-41.
    * shared first authorship

Conference contributions

  • Ecker, S., Köther, A. K., Büdenbender, B., & Alpers, G. W. (2020). Partizipative Entscheidungs­findung: Eine krankheits­spezifische Erfassung der Patientenbedürfnisse. In Grundlagen- und Psychotherapieforschung Hand in Hand – trotz Social Distancing: eingereichte Abstracts für das verschobene 38. Fach­gruppen­symposium Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie 2020 Band II: Posterbeiträge (p. 102).
  • Ecker, S., Ottenstein, C., Vollbracht, D., & Lischetzke, T. (2023, June 57). Does the Procedure Matter? Applying a Multiverse Analysis Approach to Ambulatory Assessment Data to Examine the Robustness of Findings on Negative Emotion Differentiation [Poster presentation]. Society for Ambulatory Assessment Conference 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Ecker, S., Ottenstein, C., Vollbracht, D., & Lischetzke, T. (2023, June 2630). Does the Procedure Matter? Applying a Multiverse Analysis Approach to Ambulatory Assessment Data to Examine the Robustness of Findings on Negative Emotion Differentiation [Poster presentation]. SMiP Summer School 2023, Mannheim, Germany.
  • Ecker, S., Ottenstein, C., Vollbracht, D., & Lischetzke, T. (2023, October 4–6). Does the Procedure Matter? Applying a Multiverse Analysis Approach to Negative Emotion Differentiation [Individual talk in a paper session]. Emotions 2023 Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
  • Ecker, S., Ottenstein, C., Vollbracht, D., & Lischetzke, T. (2024, September 16–19). Does the Procedure Matter? Applying a Multiverse Analysis Approach to Negative Emotion Differentiation [Talk in a symposium]. 53rd DGPs Congress / 15th ÖGP Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Fall Semester 2023/2024Seminar "Application of advanced multivariate methods" (M.Sc.)
Fall Semester 2024/2025Seminar "Application of advanced multivariate methods" (M.Sc.)