Department of Psychology


Environmental Psychology deals with the interaction of humans and their environment. Thus, Environmental Psychology seeks to understand how humans act upon the environment but also how the environment acts upon humans. Environmental Psychologists analyse the human impact on nature and built environments (e.g., sustainable behaviour, environmental protection), the perception of the environment (e.g., landscape perception and preferences, architecture), and the impact of nature and environment on human well-being. Environmental Psychology makes use of broad methodological approaches (e.g., field experiments, Lab studies, surveys) in interdisciplinary oriented. In the B.Sc. Programme “Mensch und Umwelt: Psychologie, Kommunikation, Ökonomie” [Humans and their environment: Psychology, Communication, Economy], Environmental Psychology is a core theme. It is also prominent in other programmes such as the B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Psychology as well as in the educational sciences.

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