Research and publications

Research interests
  • Social identity, global identity and engagement for environmental protection and sustainable development
  • Sustainability communication, environmental communication, climate change communication, political communication
  • Climate knowledge, political knowledge and media use
  • Mind-body practice (yoga, meditation) and engagement for environmental protection and sustainable development



Google Scholar Profile

  • Blanke, E. S., Krämer, S., Loy, L. S., Liebmann, C., Nestler, S., & Kunzmann, U. (2025). Beyond individual stress reduction—The Mindful Students Program benefits university students and their environment. Mindfulness. Advance online publication. Preprint (2024):
  • Loy, L. S., Steppler, K. Kliachko, I., Kuhlmann, J., Menzel, C., Schick, O., & Reese, G. (2024). A virtually-induced overview effect? How seeing the world from above through a simulated space tour is related to awe, global identity and pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 99, 102428.
  • Trani, L., Menzel, C., & Loy, L. S. (2024). Travel the world to feel part of it? The relations between long-term stays abroad, global identity, and nature connectedness. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 102, 102049. Preprint:
  • Loy, L. S., Scheuermann, A., Prestele, E., & Reese, G. (2024). Cultivating connectedness: Effects of an app-based compassion meditation course on changes in global identity, nature connectedness, and pro-environmental behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102260.
  • Wullenkord, M. C., Johansson, M., Loy, L. S., Menzel, C., & Reese, G. (2024). Go out or stress out? Exploring nature connectedness and cumulative stress as resilience and vulnerability factors in different manifestations of climate anxiety. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102278. Preprint (2023):
  • Matthies, E., Reese, G., Mata, J., Fritsche, I., Hofmann, W., Geiger, S., Cohrs, J. C., Loy, L. S. & Henn, L. (2024). Wie kann die Psychologie zur Bewältigung der Klimakrise beitragen?. Psychologische Rundschau, 75(2), 177-181.
  • Loy, L. S., Bauer, M., & Wullenkord, M. C. (2024). How dare we? The relation between language use, global identity, and climate activism. Global Environmental Psychology, 2, Article e11101.
  • Loy, L. S. & Reese, G. (2023). Global verbunden, global aktiv? Wie eine globale Identität mit Klimaschutz zusammenhängt. In-Mind.
  • Berneiser, J. M., Becker, A. C:, & Loy, L. S. (2022). Give up flights? Psychological predictors of intentions and policy support to reduce air travel. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 926639.
  • Loy, L. S., Clemens, A., & Reese, G. (2022). Mind-body practice is related to pro-environmental engagement through self-compassion and global identity rather than to self-enhancement. Mindfulness, 13, 660-673.
  • Loy, L. S., Reese, G., & Spence, A. (2022). Facing a common human fate. Relating global identity and climate change mitigation. Political Psychology, 43(3), 563-581.
  • Menzel, C., Loy, L. S., Reese, G., Schnepf, J. (2022). Response to Schradin (2021): Egoism alone does not explain climate inaction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 37(1), 16-17.
  • Wullenkord, M., Tröger, J., Hamann, K. R. S., Loy, L. S., & Reese, G. (2021). Anxiety and climate change: A validation of the Climate Anxiety Scale in a German-speaking quota sample and an investigation of psychological correlates. Climatic Change, 168, 20.
  • Loy, L. S. (2021). Zum Klimaschutz bewegt. Gehirn &Geist, 5, 24-32.
  • Loy, L. S.*, Tröger, J.*, Prior, P., & Reese, G. (2021). Global citizens – global jet setters? The relation between global identity, sufficiency orientation, travelling, and a socio-ecological transformation of the mobility system. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 622842. *Shared first authorship
  • Wallis, H., & Loy, L. S. (2021). What drives pro-environmental activism of young people? A survey study on the Fridays For Future movement. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74, 101581.
  • Loy, L. S., Hamann, K. R. S., & Reese, G. (2020). Navigating through the jungle of information. Informational self-efficacy predicts climate change-related media exposure, knowledge, and behaviour. Climatic Change, 163(4), 2097-2116.
  • Reese, G., Hamann, K. R. S., Heidbreder, L. M., Loy, L. S., Menzel, C., Neubert, S., Tröger, J., Wullenkord, M. C. (2020). SARS-Cov-2 and environmental protection: A collective psychology agenda for environmental psychology research, Journal of Environmental Psychology, 70.
  • Loy, L. S. & Reese, G. (2020). Editorial zur Themenausgabe: Mit Psychologie die Umwelt schützen? Beiträge der umweltpsychologischen Forschung zu einer nachhaltigen gesellschaftlichen Transformation. In-Mind. [Link]
  • Loy, L. S. & Spence, A. (2020). Reducing, and bridging, the psychological distance of climate change. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 67.
  • Loy, L. S. & Reese, G. (2019). Hype and hope? Mind-body practice predicts pro-environmental engagement through global identity. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66.
  • Loy, L. S., Masur, P. M., Schmitt, J. B., & Mothes, C. (2019). Psychological predictors of political Internet use and political knowledge in light of the perceived complexity of political issues. Information, Communication & Society, 22(12), 1733-1750.
  • Loy, L. S. (2018). Communicating climate change. How proximising climate change and global identity predict engagement (Dissertation). Stuttgart: Universität Hohenheim.
  • Fissler, P., Küster, O. C., Laptinskaya, D., Loy, L. S., von Arnim, C. A. F., & Kolassa, I.-T.  (2018). Jigsaw puzzling taps multiple cognitive abilities and is a potential protective factor for cognitive aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10(299), 1-11.
  • Fissler, P., Küster, O. C., Loy, L. S., Laptinskaya, D., Rosenfelder, M. J., von Arnim, C. A. F., & Kolassa, I.-T. (2017). Jigsaw Puzzles as Cognitive Enrichment (PACE) – the effect of solving jigsaw puzzles on global visuospatial cognition in adults 50 years of age and older: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 18(1), 1-11.
  • Bauer, A. A., Loy, L. S., Masur, P. K., & Schneider, F. M. (2017). Mindful instant messaging. Mindfulness and autonomous motivation as predictors of well-being in smartphone communication. Journal of Media Psychology, 29(3), 159–165.
  • Trepte, S. & Loy, L. S. (2017). Social identity theory and self-categorization theory. In P. Roessler, C. A. Hoffner, & van Zoonen, L. (Eds.), The International Encyclopaedia of Media Effects (p. 1-13).
  • Trepte, S., Loy, L. S., Schmitt, J. B., & Otto, S. (2017). HIP: Das Hohenheimer Inventar zum Politikwissen – Konstruktion und Skalierung. Diagnostica. 63(3), 206-218.
  • Loy, L. S., Wieber, F., Gollwitzer, P. M., & Oettingen, G. (2016). Supporting sustainable food consumption: Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions (MCII) aligns intentions and behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. 7(607), 1-12.
  • Loy, L. S., Kaiser, F. G., Woelki, D., Hentschke, L. (2013). Individuelle Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Soziale Einflüsse im Vergleich - Teil II. Forschungsbericht für das Ministerium für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt, Sachsen-Anhalt.


Presentations (selected)

  • Loy, L.S., Masur, P.K., Spence, A., Tam, K.-P., Wlodarczyk, A., Kirchhoff, S., Kuhlmann, J., Scheuermann, A., Wagner, I., Bertin, P., Carmona, M., Sparkman, D., & Hamer, K. & many more collaborators in 45 countries (2024, September). Global identity & climate protection in light of country-specific climate risks – A cross-cultural comparison in 45 nations. Presentation at the 53rd conference of the German Psychological Association (DGPs) and Austrian Psychological Association (ÖGP), Vienna (Austria).
  • Loy, L. S., Bill, S., Clemens, A., Dressel, L., Herkommer, L., Herrmann, K., Kindler A.-C., Kögel, M., Kurschat, C., Nau, N., Prestele, E., Reiter, L., Rudloff, I., Scheuermann, A., Spang, L., & Reese, G. (2023, November). Connected to all the people. The relation between mind-body practice, global identity and pro-environmental engagement. Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Mindfulness, Rome (Italy).
  • Loy, L. S., Steppler, K., Kliachko, I., Kuhlmann, J., Schick, O., & Reese, G. (2023, September). Seeing the world from above: How a virtual overview effect is related to global identity and pro-environmental behaviour. Presentation at the 13th conference of the media psychology division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg).
  • Loy, L. S., Steppler, K., Kliachko, I., Kuhlmann, J., Schick, O., & Reese, G. (2023, June). How a virtual overview effect is related to global identity and pro-environmental behaviour. Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP), Aarhus (Denmark).
  • Loy, L. S., Clemens, A., & Reese, G. (2022, September). Boosting or quieting the ego? Mind-body practice is related to pro-environmental engagement through self-compassion and global identity rather than to self-enhancement. Presentation at the 52nd conference of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Hildesheim (Germany).
  • Katz, L. C., Seger, B., Loy, L. S. (2022, September). You get what you define - Operationalizations induce different forms of awe experiences and partly predict pro-environmental behaviour. Presentation at the 52nd conference of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Hildesheim (Germany).
  • Riffel, L., Weber, R., & Loy, L. S. (2022, September). So fern und doch so nah… Erhöht die Konfrontation mit der Corona-Pandemie die Identifikation mit der gesamten Menschheit? Presentation at the 52nd conference of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Hildesheim (Germany).
  • Loy L. S. (2022, Juni). Hype or Hope? Wie Meditation mit Nachhaltigkeit zusammenhängt. Eingeladener Vortrag im Studium Universale, Universität Leipzig.
  • Loy, L. S. (2022, April). Global identity - a path towards environmental protection? Invited talk at the Faculty of Education colloquium, University of Haifa (Israel).
  • Loy, L. s. (2022, April). Mind-body practice and sustainability. Invited talk in the seminar "Contemplative practices in education", University of Haifa (Israel).
  • Loy, L. S. (2022, März). Wie entsteht Veränderung? Impulse aus der Umweltpsychologie. Eingeladener Vortrag bei der Veranstaltung "#Change-Werkstatt für Veränderung" der Evangelischen Akademie Frankfurt, virtueller Beitrag.
  • Loy, L. S., Tröger, J., Prior, P., & Reese, G. (2022, January). Global citizens – global jet setters? The relation between global identity, travelling, and the support of a decarbonized mobility system. Presentation at the RKTS workshop: An EASP Community of Environmental Social Psychologists, virtual event.
  • Loy, L. S., Scheuermann, A., Prestele, E., Fissler, P., & Reese, G. (2021, October). Cultivating connectedness: How an app-based mind-body practice increases global identity and pro-environmental engagement. Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP), Siracusa (Italy).
  • Loy, L. S., Tröger, J., Prior, P., & Reese, G. (2021, July). Global citizens – global jet setters? The relation between global identity, travelling, and the support of a decarbonized mobility system. Presentation at the International Society of Political Psychology's (ISPP) Annual Meeting, virtual event.
  • Loy, L. S. (2021, Juni). Impulse aus der Umweltpsychologie. Eingeladener Vortrag bei der Tagung “Wie können Psychotherapeut*innen zu einer gesunden Umwelt beitragen?“, Psychotherapeutenkammer (PTK) Bayern, virtuelles Event.
  • Loy, L. S. (2021, März). Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit aus umweltpsychologischer Sicht. Eingeladener Vortrag beim RENN.süd-Forum, virtuelles Event.
  • Loy, L. S., Scheuermann, A., & Reese, G. (2020, July). Meditating for connectedness? How a mind-body practice intervention impacts global identity and pro-environmental engagement. Presentation at the International Society of Political Psychology's (ISPP) Annual Meeting, virtual event.
  • Loy, L. S. (2020, Juli). Vom Wissen zum Handeln. Eingeladener Vortrag beim Forum KUNDENFocus, Mainz.
  • Loy, L. S., Leyendecker, A., Sefovic, A., Speckert, K., & Reese, G. (2019, September). Hype and hope? Mind-body practice predicts pro-environmental engagement through global identity. Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP), Plymouth (UK).
  • Loy, L. S. (2019, July). Psychological contributions to a sustainable society. Invited talk in the Seminar “Sustainability discourses and environmental sociology”, University of Hohenheim (Germany).
  • Wallis, H., Homburg, A., Otto, S., & Loy, L. S. (2018, September). Digitalisierung und Umweltbewusstsein in Forschung und Bildung: Herausforderungen für die Psychologie. Interaktives Forum auf dem 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Frankfurt.
  • Loy, L. S. (2017, November). Berufsfeld Medienpsychologie. Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe “Berufsperspektiven für PsychologInnen”, Universität Konstanz.
  • Loy, L. S. & Spence, A. (2017, September). Proximising climate change in media communication. Presentation at the 10th conference of the media psychology division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Landau (Germany).
  • Loy, L. S. & Spence, A. (2017, September). Bridging the distance of climate change communication. Presentation at the International Conference on Environmental Psychology, A Coruna (Spain).
  • Loy, L. S. (2017, May). Sowas von übermorgen. Nachhaltige Mobilität auf Basis psychologischer Erkenntnisse kommunizieren. Eingeladener Vortrag im Rahmen des Workshops “Kommunikationsstrategien einer nachhaltigen Mobilitätskultur”, Internationales Zentrum für Kultur- und Technikforschung, Universität Stuttgart.
  • Loy, L. S. & Spence, A. (2017, May). Bridging the distance of climate change communication. Presentation at the 67th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Diego (USA).
  • Loy, L. S. (2016, October). Bridging the distance of climate change communication. Presentation in the research colloquium of the Personality, Social Psychology, and Health research group, Department of Psychology, University of Nottingham (UK).
  • Loy, L. S., Masur, P. K., Schmitt, J. B., Mothes, C., & Trepte, S. (2016, June). Politically informed in a complex world? Time affluence, informational self-efficacy, and need for cognition as predictors of political media use and political knowledge. Presentation at the 66th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka (Japan).
  • Loy, L. S., & Bauer, A. (2016, June). Stressed by smartphone use? The interplay of intrinsic motivation and mindfulness during instant messaging. Presentation at the 66th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Fukuoka (Japan).
  • Loy, L. S.; Schmitt, J. B.; Otto, S.; Trepte, S. (2015, September). HIP: Hohenheimer Inventar zum Politikwissen - Konstruktion und Raschskalierung. Presentation at the 9th conference of the methods & evaluation division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Jena (Germany).
  • Schmitt, A. M. R., Loy, L. S., & Schmitt, J. B. (2015, September). Political media outlets for a young audience – strengths, weaknesses, and potentials. Presentation at the 9th conference of the media psychology division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Tübingen (Germany).
  • Schmitt, J. B., Loy, L. S., & Trepte, S. (2015, June). Birds of a feather make us remember better: Predicting factual news knowledge by recipients' similarity to news protagonists and post-exposure discussion quality. Poster at the 65th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), San Juan (Puerto Rico).
  • Loy, L. S. (2015, January). Die Wirkung medial vermittelter Distanz in der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation. Präsentation auf der Konferenz "Qualitäten der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation", Berlin (Germany).
  • Loy, L. S., Wieber, F., Gollwitzer, P. M., & Oettingen, G. (2014, September). A self-regulation intervention to support the enactment of sustainable consumer intentions: Mental Contrasting with Implementation Intentions (MCII). Presentation at the 49th conference of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Bochum (Germany).
  • Loy, L. S. (2014, July). The psychological distance of global news. Presentation at the SoDoc-workshop of the social psychology division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Friedrichshafen (Germany).
  • Loy, L. S. (2014, May). Transcending the psychological distance of global news. Presentation at the PhD workshop of the political communication division, 64th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Seattle (USA).
  • Schmitt, J. B., Loy, L. S., & Hefner, D. (2014, January). Politische Diskussion in realen Interaktionen: Experimentelle und inhaltsanalytische Ansätze. Presentation and workshop at the conference of the media reception & effects division of the German association for communication science (DGPuK), Hannover (Germany).
  • Loy, L. S. (2013, September). Transcending the psychological distance of global climate change. Presentation at the PhD-workshop of the 8th Conference of the media psychology division of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Würzburg (Germany).