Robert Gruber

Curriculum Vitae


Sep 2019 – Jetzt  

Universität der Künste Berlin 

Promotion in Sozialpsychologie 

Sep 2019 - Sep 2020

London College of Fashion  

M.Sc. in Applied Psychology in Fashion

Sep 2016 – Jun 2019

Universität Groningen

B.Sc. in Psychologie  





Okt 2021 – Okt 2023  

Universität Koblenz-Landau / 
RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau   

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Apr 2021 – Okt 2023

Columbia University


New York City
Sep 2018 – Feb 2019  

Universität Groningen

Lehrerassistent in Statistik


Sep 2017 – Apr 2018  

Universität Groningen





April 2021 – Jetzt  

Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes


Juli 2020

Dr. Hans-Riegel Stiftung

COVID-19 Sonderförderung

Juli 2020 

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie

Peer-Tandem Research Grant



In my work I focus on the (social) psychological underpinnings of human clothing behavior. Clothing behavior occurs in almost every aspect of social life, even in contexts where it might be expendable (e.g., wearing pajamas when we sleep). Moreover, social roles, norms, and stereotypes appear interlaced with the attire we wear. Clothing is both culturally universal und uniquely human. However, basic empirical research on the social psychological role of clothing is sparse. Therefore, through my research I aim to establish the field of clothing psychology.


In my research, I investigate clothing using a person perception approach (e.g., do vestimentary cues operate as social signals that drive social categorizations, impression formation, and face perception?). Furthermore, I am researching the field of enclothed cognition, implying an embodiment of stereotypes attached to clothing (e.g., do people internalize the symbolic meaning of the garments they wear, and does it modulate behavioral outcomes?). Finally, I am interested in finding out how the functionalities offered by clothing expand to the psychological level (e.g., does clothing’s functionality of physical protection protection similarly offer a symbolic shield from psychological consequences of existential threats?).


Konferenzteilnahmen und Vorträge

Kachel, S., & Gruber, R. (2022, September 14). We Are All Born Naked and the Rest is Drag: Investigating the Vestimentary Communication of Gender and Sexual Orientation [Conference presentation]. 52th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.


Gruber, R., Kachel, S., Häfner, M. (2022, September 12). The Dressed Ape: An Evolutionary Psychological Investigation of Clothing’s (De-) Humanizing Power [Conference presentation]. 52th Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.


Gruber, R., & Kachel, S. (2022, January 22). Dressing through Crisis: Predicting Systematic Dress Style Alterations in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic through Terror Management Theory [Conference presentation]. Scientific Congress on Economical- and Social Scientific Research Concerning the Covid-19-Pandemic, Bonn, Germany.