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Büttner, C.M., Rudert, S.C., Albath, E.A., Sibley, C.G. & Greifeneder, R. (in press). Narcissists’ Experience of Ostracism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Büttner, C. M., Lalot, F., Rudert, S. C., & Greifeneder, R. (in press). Ostracism experiences are associated with more frequent doctor visits over time. European Journal of Health Psychology.[Open Access]
Büttner, C. M., Ren, D., Stavrova, O., Rudert, S. C., Williams, K. D., & Greifeneder, R. (2024). Ostracism in Everyday Life: A Framework of Threat and Behavioral Responses in Real Life. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.[Published Version available via Research Gate]
Büttner, C.M, Rudert, S.C., & Kachel, S. (2024). Ostracism experiences of sexual minorities – Investigating targets’ experiences and perceptions by others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.[Open Access]
Gonzáles Cruz, H., Fritz, T., Rudert, S.C., Daumiller, M., & Janke, S. (in press). Differential effects of honesty-humility and descriptive norms across the seriousness dimension of academic dishonesty. Studies in Higher Education.
Kenntemich, C., Büttner, C. M., & Rudert, S. C. (2024). The Pursuit of Approval: Social Media Users’ Decreased Posting Latency Following Online Exclusion as a Form of Acknowledgment-Seeking Behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.[Open Access]
Wolf, T., Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (in press). Exploring solidarity-based attitudes and behaviors regarding disadvantaged groups: The role of justice sensitivity and social identification. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Ball, E., Niedlich, C., & Steffens, M. C. (2024). Whose misbehavior is inexcusable—And which one? Job‐related discrimination against ethnic minority and majority women. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 54(11), 708–725.
Büttner, C. M., Rudert, S. C., & Kachel, S. (2024). Ostracism experiences of sexual minorities: Integrating target perspective and perception by others.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, online first.
Büttner, C.M.; Jauch, M.; Marinucci, M.; Williams, K.D.; Greifeneder, R.; Riva, P.; Rudert, S.C. (2024). It will (never) stop hurting: Do repeated or chronic experiences of exclusion lead to hyper- or hyposensitive psychological responses? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 27(2), 256-277.
Gollwitzer, M., Nuding, S., Schramm, L., Glöckner, A., Gruber, R. Hajek, K., Häusser, J. Imhoff, R., & Rudert, S.C. (2024). How the pandemic affected psychological research. Royal Society Open Science, 11(11). [Open Access]
Janke, S., Messerer, L., Merkle, B. & Rudert, S.C. (2024). Why do minority students feel they don’t fit in? Migration background and parental education differentially predict social ostracism and belongingness. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 27(2), 278-299.
Kachel, S., Bloch, T., Bosson, J. K., Lorenz, L. L., & Steffens, M. C. (2024). Gaining masculine power through guns? The impact of masculinity threat on attitudes towards guns. Frontiers in Psychology. 15:1296261.
Kachel, S., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2024). Speakers’ vocal expression of sexual orientation depends on experimenter gender. Speech Communication, 156, 103023.
Louvet, E., Ehrke, F., Gaubert, C., & Tran, H. L. (2024). The role of legitimizing the social hierarchy in the impact of status on perceived assertiveness and competence. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63, 20-36.
*Posio, P., *Kachel, S., & Uclés Ramada, G. (2024). Morphosyntactic stereotypes of speakers with different genders and sexual orientations: An experimental investigation. Linguistics, online first. OPEN ACCESS
Roth, J., Steinmann, M., Loughnane, J., Devine, P., Muldoon, O., Shelly, C., Tilburg, W. A. P. v., Steffens, M. C., & Campbell, C. (2024). Election results can decrease intergroup threat and through that positively affect intergroup relations Political Psychology (advance online publication).
Rudert, S.C. (2024). Soziale Ausgrenzung. Konsequenzen, Motive, und Attributionen [Social Exclusion. Consequences, motives, and attributions.] Psychologische Rundschau, 75(3), 1-13. [Open Access]
Saxler, F. M., Dorrough, A. R., Froehlich, L., Block, K., Croft, A., Meeussen, L., Olsson, M., Schmader, T., Schuster, C., Grootel, S. v., Van Laar, C., Steffens, M.C., Martiny, S. E. (2024). Did descriptive and prescriptive norms about gender equality at home change during the COVID-19 pandemic? A cross-national investigation. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin (advance online publication).
Albath, E., Büttner, C.M., Rudert, S.C., Sibley, C., & Greifeneder, R. (2023). Young, unemployed, excluded: Unemployed young adults experience more ostracism. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Bogado, N., Bytzek, E., & Steffens, M. C. (2023). Framing the inclusiveness of the national ingroup: Do identity-related frames affect national identity representations salience? International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 92 (6), 101744.
Bogado, N., Bytzek, E., & Steffens, M. C. (2023). The use of identity-related frames in electoral pledges and its effects on Euroscepticism in France and Germany. European Union Politics, 24(3), 516–538.
Büttner, C.M.; Lalot, F.; & Rudert, S.C. (2023). Showing with whom I belong: The desire to belong publicly on social media. Computers in Human Behavior, 139, 107535.
Daumiller, M., Fritz, T. Gonzáles Cruz, H., Rudert, S.C. & Janke, S. (2023). Cheating as a prosocial act? Helping others with academic cheating is related to social goals and cooperative social norms. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
Ehrke, F., Grommisch, G., Busch, E. P., & Kaczmarek, M. C. (2023). Populist attitudes predict compliance-related attitudes and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic via trust in institutions. Social Psychology, 54, 78–94.
Gruber, R., Häfner, M. & Kachel, S. (2023). Dressing up social psychology: Empirically investigating the psychological functions of clothing using the example of symbolic protection. British Journal of Social Psychology, Online First. REGISTERED REPORT, OPEN ACCESS
Gruber, R., & Kachel, S. (2023). Dressing through crisis: Examining clothing’s symbolic protection from the psychological consequences of existential threats using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic. In I. Henzler, H. Hues, S. Sonnleitner & U. Wilkens (Eds.), Extended Views. Gesellschafts- und wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Covid 19-Pandemie. Böhlau.
Janke, S., Fritz, T.M., Gonzáles Cruz, H., Rudert, S.C., & Daumiller, M. (2023). Entwicklung und Überprüfung einer Kurzskala zur Messung akademischen Betrugsverhaltens im Selbstbericht. Diagnostica.
Jauch, M., Büttner, C.M., Rudert, S.C., & Greifeneder, R. (2023). Expecting exclusion: Does bracing for the worst buffer the pain of social exclusion? European Journal of Social Psychology, 53(4), 746-765.
Kachel, S., Nussbaum, C., & Pöhlmann, M. (2023). Queer events, relationships, and sports: Does topic influence speakers’ acoustic expression of sexual orientation? INTERSPEECH 2023, 4269–4273.
*Landmann, H., *Kachel, S., Kommerscheidt, L., Lange, F., Richter, I. (2023). Assessing diversity dimensions in environmental psychology: Challenges and recommendations. Umweltpsychologie, 27(1), 8–33.
Olsson, M. I. T., Grootel, S. v., Block, K., Schuster, C., Meeussen, L., Laar, C. V., Schmader, T., Alyssa Croft, M. S. S., Mare Ainsaar, Lianne Aarntzen, Magdalena Adamus, Joel Anderson, Ciara Atkinson, Mohamad Avicenna, Przemysław Bąbel, Markus Barth, Tessa M. Benson-Greenwald, Edona Maloku, Jacques Berent, Hilary B. Bergsieker, Monica Biernat, Andreea G. Bîrneanu, Blerta Bodinaku, Janine Bosak, Jennifer Bosson, Marija Branković, Julius Burkauskas, Vladimíra Čavojová, Sapna Cheryan, Eunsoo Choi, Incheol Choi, Carlos C. Contreras-Ibáñez, Andrew Coogan, Ivan Danyliuk, Ilan Dar-Nimrod, Nilanjana Dasgupta, Soledad de Lemus, Thierry Devos, Marwan Diab, Amanda B. Diekman, Maria Efremova, Léïla Eisner, Anja Eller, Rasa Erentaite, Denisa Fedáková, Renata Franc, Leire Gartzia, Alin Gavreliuc, Dana Gavreliuc, Julija Gecaite-Stonciene, Adriana L. Germano, Ilaria Giovannelli, Renzo Gismondi Diaz, Lyudmila Gitikhmayeva, Abiy Menkir Gizaw, Biljana Gjoneska, Omar Martínez González, Roberto González, Isaac David Grijalva, Derya Güngör, Marie Gustafsson Sendén, William Hall, Charles Harb, Bushra Hassan, Tabea Hässler, Diala R. Hawi, Levke Henningsen, Annedore Hoppe, Keiko Ishii, Ivana Jakšić, Alba Jasini, Jurgita Jurkevičienė, Kaltrina Kelmendi, Teri A. Kirby, Yoko Kitakaji, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, Inna Kozytska, Clara Kulich, Eva Kundtová-Klocová, Filiz Kunuroglu, Christina Lapytskaia Aidy, Albert Lee, Anna Lindqvist, Wilson López-López, Liany Luzvinda, Fridanna Maricchiolo, Delphine Martinot, Rita Anne McNamara, Alyson Meister, Tizita Lemma Melka, Narseta Mickuviene, María Isabel Miranda-Orrego, Thadeus Mkamwa, James Morandini, Thomas Morton, David Mrisho, Jana Nikitin, Sabine Otten, Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, Elizabeth Page-Gould, Ana Perandrés, Jon Pizarro, Nada Pop-Jordanova, Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Sameir Quta, TamilSelvan Ramis, Nitya Rani, Sandrine Redersdorff, Isabelle Régner, Emma A. Renström, Adrian Rivera-Rodriguez, Sánchez Tania Esmeralda Rocha, Tatiana Ryabichenko, Rim Saab, Kiriko Sakata, Adil Samekin, Tracy Sánchez-Pachecho, Carolin Scheifele, Marion K. Schulmeyer, Sabine Sczesny, David Sirlopú, Vanessa Smith-Castro, Kadri Soo, Federica Spaccatini, Jennifer R. Steele, Steffens, M. C., Ines Sucic, J. V., Laura Maria Velásquez-Díaz, Melissa Vink, Eva Vives, Turuwark Zalalam Warkineh, Iris Žeželj, Xiaoxiao Zhang, Xian Zhao, & Martiny, S. E. (2023). Gender gap in parental leave intentions: Evidence from 37 countries. Political Psychology (advance online publication).
Rudert, S.C. & Janke, S. (2023). Call me maybe: Risk factors of impaired social contact during the COVID-19 pandemic and associations with well-being. British Journal of Social Psychology, 62(1),281-301.
Rudert, S.C., Möring, R., Kenntemich, C., & Büttner, C.M. (2023). When and why we ostracize others: Motivated social exclusion in group contexts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 125(4), 803-826.
Rudert, S. C., & Speckert, K. (2023). You shouldn’t have shut them out: Justice sensitivity and norm adherence affect moral reactions to observed ostracism. Personality and Individual Differences, 201, 111929.
Steffens, M. C., & Niedlich, C. (2023). Homosexuality between acceptance and discrimination: A social-science perspective. In S. Goertz (Ed.), “Who Am I to Judge?” Homosexuality and the Catholic church. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Steffens, M. C., & Niedlich, C. (2023). Von Schönheitsnormen bis zu sexualisierter Gewalt: Vorurteile und Diskriminierung in Bezug auf Geschlecht und sexuelle Orientierung. In C. Cohrs, N. Knab, & G. Sommer (Eds.), Handbuch Friedenspsychologie. Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Weber, S., Appel, M., Steffens, M. C., & Hirschhäuser, V. (2023). Just a joke? Can sexist comedy harm women’s cognitive performance? Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 17, 608-618.
Ball, E., Steffens, M. C., & Niedlich, C. (2022). Racism in Europe: Characteristics and Intersections With Other Social Categories. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Büttner, C.M. & Rudert, S.C. (2022). Why didn’t you tag me?!: Social exclusion from Instagram posts hurts, especially those with a high need to belong. Computers in Human Behavior, 127.
Janke, S., Alsmeyer, M., Neißner, M., & Rudert, S.C. (2022). University in the rear-view mirror: Psychological needs in pleasant and unpleasant memories of alumni. Studies in Higher Education, 47(7), 1464-1476.
Jauch, M., Rudert, S.C. & Greifeneder, R. (2022)Social pain by non-social agents: Exclusion hurts and provokes punishment even if the excluding source is a computer. Acta Psychologica, 230.
Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (2022). “Why do you think Christmas will never ever be celebrated again?” A paradoxical thinking intervention’s potential to affect conflict-related concerns, willingness to compromise, and openness towards refugees. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 500-514.
Niedlich, C., Kachel, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2022). Sexual orientation information and hiring: Can individualizing information lead to negative stereotyping of sexual minority group members? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(5), 1–18.
Olsen, M., Olsson, M. I. T., Parks-Stamm, E. J., Kvalø, M., Thorsteinsen, K., Steffens, M. C., & Martiny, S. E. (2022). What do I want to be? Predictors of communal occupational aspirations in early to middle childhood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46, 528-541.
Rudert, S.C. & Janke, S. (2022). Following the crowd in times of crisis: Descriptive norms predict physical distancing, stockpiling, and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Group Processes und Intergroup Relations, 25(7).1819 - 1935.
Schumann, S., Thomas, F., Ehrke, F., Bertlich, T., & Dupont, J. C. (2022). Maintenance or change? Examining the reinforcing spiral between social media news use and populist attitudes. Information, Communication & Society, 25(13), 1934–1951. (Preprint:
Bareket, O., Shnabel, N., Kende, A., Knab, N., & Bar-Anan, Y. (2021). Need some help, honey? Dependency-oriented helping relations between women and men in the domestic sphere. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(5), 1175-1203
Büttner, C.M., Rudert, S.C., & Greifeneder, R. (2021). Depressed and excluded: Do depressive symptoms moderate recovery from ostracism? Journal of Affective Disorders, 294.
Cvencek, D., Meltzoff, A. N., Maddox, C. D., Nosek, B. A., Rudman, L. A., Devos, T. Dunham, Y., Baron, A. S., Steffens, M. C., Lane, K., Horcajo, J., Ashburn-Nardo, L., Quinby, A., Srivastava, S. B., Schmidt, K., Aidman, E., Tang, E., Farnham, S., Mellott, D. S., Banaji, M. R., & Greenwald, A. G. (2021). Meta-analytic use of balanced identity theory to validate the Implicit Association Test. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 47, 185-200.
Hales, A. H., McIntyre, M. M., Rudert, S. C., Williams, K. D., & Herbert, T. (2021). Ostracized and observed: The presence of an audience affects the experience of being excluded. Self and Identity, 20(1), 94-115. https://doi:10.1080/15298868.2020.1807403
Janke, S., Alsmeyer, M., Neißner, M., & Rudert, S.C. (2021). University in the rear-view mirror: Psychological needs in pleasant and unpleasant memories of alumni. Studies in Higher Education.
Janke, S., Rudert, S.C., Petersen, Ä., Fritz, T.M., Daumiller, M. (2021). Cheating in the wake of COVID-19: How dangerous is ad-hoc online testing for academic integrity in Higher Education? Computers and Education Open, 2.
Klein, S.A., Rudert, S.C. (2021). If they don’t care, I won’t share: Feeling unrelated to one’s in-group increases selfishness instead of behavior for the greater good.European Journal of Social Psychology, 51, 4-5, 773 - 783.
Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (2021). Emotions for solidarity: The relations of moral outrage and sympathy with hierarchy-challenging and prosocial hierarchy-maintaining action intentions in support of refugees. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27, 568–575.
Knab, N.*, Winter, K.*, & Steffens, M.C. (2021). Flexing the extremes: Increasing cognitive flexibility with a paradoxical leading questions intervention. * shared first-authorship. Social Cognition, 39(2), 225-242
Rudert, S.C., Gleibs, I.H., Gollwitzer, M., Häfner, M., Hajek, K.V., Harth, N.S., Häusser, J.A., Imhoff, R., & Schneider, D. (2021). Us and the virus: Understanding the COVID-19 pandemic through a social psychological lens. European Psychologist, 26(4), 259-271.
Rudert, S.C., Hales, A.H., & Büttner, C.M. (2021). Stay out of our office (vs. our pub): Target personality and situational context affect ostracism intentions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95.
Rudert, S.C. & Janke, S. (2021). Following the crowd in times of crisis: Descriptive norms predict physical distancing, stockpiling, and prosocial behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Group Processes und Intergroup Relations.
Rudert, S.C., Janke. S., & Greifeneder, R. (2021). Ostracism breeds depression: Longitudinal Associations Between Ostracism and Depression Over a Three-Year-Period. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports.
Scheifele, C., Steffens, M. C., & Van Laar, C. (2021). Which representations of their gender group affect men's orientation towards care? The case of parental leave-taking intentions. PLoS ONE, 16, 1-35.
Scheifele, C., Ehrke, F., Viladot, M. A., Van Laar, C. & Steffens, M. C. (2021). Testing the basic socio-structural assumptions of social identity theory in the gender context: Evidence from correlational studies on women’s leadership. European Journal of Social Psychology, 51(7), 1038-1060 (Special Section of Registered Reports on the topic „Revisiting basic tenets of and new directions for Social Identity Theory“). (Stage 1 of registered report can be found at:
Schnepf, J., Bytzek, E., Steffens, M.C., & Rudert, S.C. (2021). Parteienpolarisierung gleich Rändermobilisierung? Eine experimentelle Studie zur Wirkung von Parteienpolarisierung auf die Wahlbeteiligungsabsicht. Politische Psychologie, 9(2), 52 - 71.
Steffens, M. C., & Preuß, S. (2021). Measuring attitudes towards LGBTI* individuals: Theoretical and practical considerations. In D. Haider-Markel & G. Mucciaroni (Eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy. Oxford University Press.
Ehrke, F., Ashoee, A., Steffens, M. C., & Louvet, E. (2020). A brief diversity training: Raising awareness of ingroup privilege to improve attitudes towards disadvantaged outgroups. International Journal of Psychology (Special issue on Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education), 55(5), 732–742.
Ehrke, F., Bruckmüller, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2020). A double-edged sword: How social diversity affects trust in representatives via perceived competence and warmth. European Journal of Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
Kachel, S., Steffens, M. C., Preuß, S., & Simpson, A. P. (2020). Gender (conformity) matters: Cross-dimensional and cross-modal associations in sexual orientation perception. Journal of Language and Social Psychology (Special Issue: Sounding strange(r): Origins, consequences, and boundary conditions of socio-phonetic discrimination), 39(1), 40–66,
Methner, N., Bruckmüller, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2020). Can accepting criticism be an effective impression management strategy for public figures? A comparison with denials and a counterattack. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 42(4), 254–275.
Preuß, S., Ottenstein, C., Kachel, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2020). Using scenarios for measuring the affective and behavioral components of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men: Validation of the SABA scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49(5), 1645–1669.
Preuß, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2020). A video intervention for every straight man: The role of pre-attitudes and emotions in vicarious-contact effects. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations. Advance online publication.
Rakić, T., Steffens, M. C., & Sazegar, A. (2020). Do people remember what is prototypical? The role of accent-religion intersectionality for individual and category memory. Journal of Language and Social Psychology (Special Issue: Language Challenges in the 21st Century), 39(4), 476–494.
Rudert, S. C., Janke, S., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). The experience of ostracism over the adult life span. Developmental Psychology, 56(10), 1999–2012.
Rudert, S. C., Keller, M., Hales, A. H., Walker, M., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). Who do we ostracize? A personality perspective on risk and protective factors of ostracism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(6), 1247–1268.
Rudert, S. C., Ruf, S., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). Whom to punish? How observers sanction norm-violating behavior in ostracism situations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(2), 376–391.
Weber, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2020). Die Bedeutung sozialer Identitäten und Gruppenstereotype in Bezug auf Migrationshintergrund und Geschlecht. In P. Genkova & A. Riecken (Eds.), Handbuch Migration und Erfolg (pp. 191–204). Springer.
Berthold, A., Steffens, M. C., & Mummendey, A. (2019). What did they say? How subgroup stereotypes influence memory for superordinate groups. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 83, 23–36.
Dupont, J., Bytzek, E., Steffens, M. C., & Schneider, F. (2019). Which kind of political campaign messages do people perceive as election pledges? Electoral Studies, 57, 121–130.
Greifeneder, R., & Rudert, S. C. (2019). About flames and boogeymen: Social norms affect individuals’ construal of social exclusion. In S. C. Rudert, R. Greifeneder, & K. D. Williams (Eds.), Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection Research (pp. 32–48). Routledge.
Jaffé, M. E., Rudert, S. C., & Greifeneder, R. (2019). You should go for diversity, but I’d rather stay with similar others: Psychological distance modulates one’s preference for diversity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85.
Janke, S., Daumiller, M., & Rudert, S. C. (2019). Dark pathways to achievement in science: Researchers’ achievement goals predict the engagement in questionable research practices. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 10(6), 783–791.
Kaczmarek, M., & Steffens, M. C. (2019). “Mind full or mindful” – Can mere cognitive busyness lead to compliance similar to an emotional seesaw? Social Influence, 14(3-4), 117-132.
Niedlich, C., & Steffens, M. C. (2019). Gleiche Chancen für alle? Wie Stereotype den Erfolg von BewerberInnen beeinflussen. Das In-Mind Magazin. Special Issue: Gender, 10(1).
Rudert, S. C., Greifeneder, R., & Williams, K. D. (2019). Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection Research. Routledge.
Rudert, S. C. & Greifeneder, R. (2019). Observing ostracism: How observers interpret and respond to ostracism situations. In S. C. Rudert, R. Greifeneder, & K. D. Williams (Eds.), Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection Research (pp. 136–154). Routledge.
Steffens, M. C., Niedlich, C., Beschorner, R., & Köhler, M. (2019). Do positive and negative stereotypes of gay and heterosexual men affect job-related impressions? Sex Roles, 80(9), 548–564.
Steffens, M. C., Preuß, S., & Scheifele, C. (2019). Work-related impression formation: Reviewing parenthood penalties and investigating a “fatherhood penalty” for single fathers. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 41(5), 287–304.
Dieckmann, J., Steffens, M. C., & Methner, N. (2018). Back to the roots: When diversity evokes increased group-based conventionalism. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21(2), 351–367.
Dupont, J., Bytzek, E., Steffens, M. C., & Schneider, F. (2018). Zur Wahrnehmung politischer (Wahlkampf-)Aussagen als Wahlversprechen. In E. Bytzek, M. Steinbrecher & U. Rosar (Eds.), Wahrnehmung – Persönlichkeit – Einstellungen. Psychologische Theorien und Methoden in der Wahl- und Einstellungsforschung (pp. 31–69). Springer.
Hansen, K., Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2018). Foreign-looking native-accented people are evaluated more positively when seen rather than heard first. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(8), 1001–1009.
Kachel, S., Radtke, A., Skuk, V. G., Zäske, R., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2018). Investigating the common set of acoustic parameters in sexual orientation groups: A voice averaging approach. PLOS ONE , 13(12), e0208686.
Kachel, S., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2018). “Do I sound straight?” – Acoustic correlates of actual and perceived sexual orientation and masculinity/femininity in men’s speech. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 61(7), 1560–1578.
Knab, N., & Steffens, M. C. (2018). One world in diversity – a social-psychological intervention to foster international collective action intention. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 6(1), 8–26.
Rakić, T., Steffens, M. C., & Wiese, H. (2018). Same-gender distractors are not so easy to reject: ERP evidence of gender categorization. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(5), 825–836.
Roth, J., Steffens, M. C., & Vignoles, V. (2018). Group membership, group change, and group preference: A model based on self-anchoring. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:479.
Rudert, S. C. & Greifeneder, R. (2018). Bedrohung der Zugehörigkeit: Soziale Ausgrenzung in Organisationen. In S. Hutmacher & O. Geramanis (Eds.), Identität in der modernen Arbeitswelt (pp. 49–66). Springer.
Rudert, S. C., Sutter, D., Corrodi, C., & Greifeneder, R. (2018). Who’s to blame? Similarity affects moral judgments of observed ostracism episodes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115(1), 31–53.
Yalcinkaya, N. S., Branscombe, N. R., Gebauer, F., Niedlich, C., & Hakim, N. H. (2018). Can they ever be one of us? Perceived cultural malleability of refugees and policy support in host nations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 78, 125–133.
Bruckmüller, S., Hegarty, P., Teigen, K. H., Böhm, G., & Luminet, O. (2017). When do past events require explanation? Insights from social psychology. Memory Studies, 10(3), 261–273.
Bouchat, P., Licata, L., Rosoux, V., ....Bruckmüller, S., ... & Klein, O., (insges. 25 AutorInnen; 2017). A century of victimhood: Antecedents and current impacts of perceived suffering in World War I across europe. European Journal of Social Psychology, 47(2), 195–208.
Hansen, K., Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). Competent and warm? How mismatching appearance and accent influence first impressions. Experimental Psychology, 64(1), 27–36.
Hansen, K., Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). Foreign-looking native-accented people are evaluated more positively when seen rather than heard first. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Advance online publication.
Hansen, K., Steffens, M. C., Rakić, T., & Wiese, H. (2017). When appearance does not match accent: Neural correlates of ethnicity-related expectancy violations. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN), 12(3), 507–515.
Hiller, T., Steffens, M. C., Ritter, V., & Stangier, U. (2017). On the context dependency of implicit self-esteem in social anxiety disorder. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 57, 118–125.
Kachel, S. M., Simpson, A. P., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). Acoustic correlates of sexual orientation and gender-role self concept in women's speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 141(6), 4793–4809.
Kaczmarek, M., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). Mindlessly polite: A conceptual replication of the emotional seesaw effect on compliance and information processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 239.
Schult, J. C., & Steffens, M. C. (2017). The effects of enactment and intention accessibility on prospective memory performance. Memory & Cognition, 45, 625–638.
Steffens, M. C., Reese, G., Ehrke, F., & Jonas, K. J. (2017). When does activating diversity alleviate, when does it increase intergroup bias? An ingroup projection perspective. PLOS ONE, 12(6), e0178738.
Steffens, M. C., & Roth, J. (2017). Diversity-Kompetenz in Bezug auf Gender: Sozialpsychologisches Wissen über Geschlechterstereotype und Geschlechterrollen In P. Genkova & T. Ringeisen (Eds.), Handbuch Diversity-Kompetenz (pp. 273–283). Springer.
Teigen, K.-H., Boehm, G., Bruckmüller, S., Hegarty, P., & Luminet, O. (2017). Long live the king! Beginnings loom larger than endings of past and recurrent events. Cognition, 163, 26–41.
Abele, A. E., & Bruckmüller, S. (2016). Agency und Communion: Basisdimensionen der sozialen Kognition. In: H.-W. Bierhoff & D. Frey (Hrsg.). Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: C/VI/1 Sozialpsychologie - Selbst und Soziale Kognition (pp. 409–427). Hogrefe.
Dupont, J., Bytzek, E., Steffens, M. C., & Schneider, F. (2016). Die Bedeutung von politischem Vertrauen für die Glaubwürdigkeit von Wahlversprechen. Politische Psychologie, 5(1), 5–27.
Ehrke, F., Bruckmüller, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). Weniger kompetent, aber dafür wärmer? Zum Einfluss sozialer Vielfalt von Parteien auf politisches Vertrauen. Politische Psychologie, 5(1), 28–45.
Kachel, S. M., Steffens, M. C., & Niedlich, C. (2016). Traditional masculinity and femininity: Validation of a new scale assessing gender roles. Frontiers in Psychology, 7.
Reese, G., Berthold, A., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). As high as it gets: Ingroup projection processes in the superordinate group humans. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 50, 39–49.
Steffens, M. C., & Ebert, I. D. (2016). Frauen – Männer – Karrieren. Eine sozialpsychologische Perspektive auf Frauen in männlich geprägten Arbeitskontexten. Springer.
Steffens, M. C., Niedlich, C., & Ehrke, F. (2016). Discrimination at work on the basis of sexual orientation: Subjective experience, experimental evidence, and interventions In T. Köllen (Ed.), Sexual orientation and transgender issues in organizations. Global perspectives on lgbt workforce diversity (pp. 367–388). Springer.
Steffens, M. C., Niedlich, C., Kachel, S., & Methner, N. (2016). Impression formation of applicants differing in sexual orientation: An attempt to integrate theoretical models and a review of the empirical evidence. In F. Earley (Ed.), Sexual orientation: Perceptions, discrimination and acceptance (pp. 51–80). Nova Science publishers.
Viladot, M. A., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). Estereotipos de género en el trabajo. Editorial UOC.
von Stülpnagel, R., Schult, J., Richter, C., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). Cognitive costs of encoding novel natural activities: Can “learning by doing” be distractive and deceptive? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(8), 1545–1563.
Wenzel, M., Waldzus, S., & Steffens, M. C. (2016). Ingroup projection as a challenge of diversity: Consensus about and complexity of superordinate categories. In C. Sibley & F. K. Barlow (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of the psychology of prejudice, (pp. 65–89). Cambridge University Press.
Abele, A. E., & Bruckmüller, S. (2015). Das A und C der Persönlichkeit. Gehirn und Geist, 4/2015, 30-35.
Ehrke, F. & Steffens, M.C. (2015). Diversity-Training: Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Befunde. In Hanappi-Egger, E. & Bendl, R. (Hrsg.). Diversität, Diversifizierung und (Ent)Solidarisierung: Eine Standortbestimmung der Diversitätsforschung im deutschen Sprachraum. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Fischer, N., Schult, J. C., & Steffens, M. C. (2015). Source and destination memory in face-to-face interaction: A multinomial modeling approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21(2), 195-204.
Hoorens, V. & Bruckmüller, S. (2015). Less is more? Think again! A cognitive fluency-based more-less asymmetry in comparative communication. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109, 753-766.
Niedlich, C., & Steffens, M. C. (2015). On the interplay of (positive) stereotypes and prejudice: Impressions of lesbian and gay applicants for leadership positions. Sensoria – a Journal of Mind, Brain & Culture, 11(1), 70-80.
Steffens, M. C., Jonas, K. J., & Denger, L. (2015). Male role endorsement explains negative attitudes towards lesbians and gay men among students in Mexico more than in Germany. Journal of Sex Research, 52(8), 898-911.
Steffens, M. C., Jonas, K. J., & Scali, T. (2015). Putting prejudice into perspective: Does perceived suitability for adoption depend on sexual orientation more than on other applicant features? Sensoria – a Journal of Mind, Brain & Culture, 11(1), 41-57.
Steffens, M. C., & Niedlich, C. (2015). Homosexualität zwischen Akzeptanz und Diskriminierung: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive. In S. Goertz (Ed.), „Wer bin ich, ihn zu verurteilen?“ Homosexualität und katholische Kirche (Vol. 3, pp. 128-155). Freiburg: Herder.
Steffens, M. C., von Stülpnagel, R., & Schult, J. C. (2015). Memory recall after “learning by doing” and “learning by viewing”: Boundary conditions of an enactment benefit. Frontiers in Psychology.
Steffens, M. C., & Viladot, M. A. (2015). Gender at work: A social psychological perspective. New York: Peter Lang.
von Stülpnagel, R., Schult, J., & Steffens, M. C. (2015). Memory for five novel naturalistic activities: No memory recall advantages of enactment over observation or pictorial learning. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis.
Abele, A. E., Bruckmüller, S., & Wojciszke, B. (2014). You are so kind – and I am kind and smart: Actor–observer differences in the interpretation of on-going behavior. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 45, 394-401.
Abele, A.E., & Bruckmüller, S. (2014). Sozialpsycholgie. In: G. Endruweit, G. Trommsdorff, & N. Burzan (Eds.), Wörterbuch der Soziologie (S. 471-475) . Stuttgart: UTB.
Bruckmüller, S., Ryan, M. K., Rink, F., & Haslam, S. A. (2014). The glass cliff: examining why women occupy leadership positions in precarious circumstances. In: Kumra, S., Simpson, R., & Burke, R. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organisations (S. 314-331). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199658213.013.014
Bruckmüller, S., Ryan, M. K., Rink, F., & Haslam, A. (2014). Beyond the glass ceiling: Exploring and explaining the glass cliff in order to inform organizational policy. Social Issues and Policy Review, 8, 202-232.doi: 10.1111/sipr.12006
Ebert, I. D., Steffens, M. C., Kroth, A. (2014). Warm, but maybe not so competent? - Contemporary implicit stereotypes of women and men in Germany. Sex roles, 70, 359-375.
Ehrke, F., Berthold, A., Steffens, M. C. (2014). How diversity training can change attitudes: Increasing perceived complexity of superordinate groups to improve intergroup relations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 193-206.
Ehrke, F. & Steffens, M.C. (2014). Diversity Training - Einstellungen zwischen Gruppen sozialpsychologisch fundiert verbessern. In Sauerland, M. & Braun, O.L. (Ed.), Aktuelle Trends in der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung (pp. 127-196). Hamburg: Windmühle.
Hansen, K., Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2014). When actions speak louder than words: Preventing discrimination of nonstandard speakers. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33, 66-75. doi: 10.1177/0261927X13499761
Niedlich, C., Steffens, M. C., Krause, J., Settke, E., & Ebert, I. D. (2014). Ironic effects of sexual minority group membership: Are lesbians less susceptible to invoking negative female stereotypes than heterosexual women? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43 (8). 1-9
Reese, G., Steffens, M. C. (2014). ATLG - Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men [Einstellungen gegenüber Lesben und Schwulen]. In D. Richter, E. Brähler & B. Strauss (Eds.), Diagnostische Verfahren in der Sexualwissenschaft. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Reese, G., Steffens, M. C., & Jonas, K. J. (2014). Religious affiliation and attitudes towards gay men: The mediating role of masculinity threat. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 24, 340-355.
Roth, J., & Steffens, M. C. (2014). Stereotype und Vorurteile. In Familien- und Sozialverein des LSVD e.V. (Ed.), Homosexualität und Familien - Handreichungen für familienbezogenes Fachpersonal. Berlin: LSVD.
Roth, J., & Steffens, M. C. (2014). When I becomes we: associative self-anchoring drives implicit intergroup bias in minimal groups. Social Psychology, 45(4), 253–264.
Schult, J. C., von Stülpnagel, R., & Steffens, M. C. (2014). Enactment versus observation: Item-specific and relational processing in goal-directed action sequences (and lists of single actions). PLoS one, 9 (6), 99985. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099985
Abele, A.E., & Bruckmüller, S. (2013). The ‘Big Two’ of agency and communion in language and communication. In: J. Laszlo, J. Forgas, & O. Vincze (Eds.). Social Cognition and Communication. Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology (pp. 173-184), London: Psychology Press.
Banse, R., Imhoff, R., Steffens, M. C., Schramm, N., Rösch, A., Roberts, M., & Stangier, U. (2013). Partner-AMP and well-being: Evidence for an implicit secure base script? Personal Relationships, 20, 140-154
Berthold, A., Leicht, C., Methner, N., & Gaum, P. (2013). Seeing the world with the eyes of the outgroup—The impact of perspective taking on the prototypicality of the ingroup relative to the outgroup. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 1034-1041. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2013.07.007
Bruckmüller, S. (2013). Singled out as “the effect to be explained”: Implications for collective self-esteem. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 237-249.
Bruckmüller, S., & Abele, A.E. (2013). The Density of the “Big Two“: How are agency and communion structurally represented? Social Psychology, 44, 63-74.
Bruckmüller, S., Ryan, M.K., Haslam, S.A., & Peters, K. (2013). Ceilings, cliffs and labyrinths: Exploring metaphors for workplace gender discrimination. In: M.K. Ryan & N.R. Branscombe (Eds.), Handbook of Gender and Psychology (pp. 450-464). London: Sage.
Ebert, I. D, & Steffens, M. C. (2013). Explizite und implizite geschlechtsbezogene Kognitionen heute. GENDER. Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft, 5, 26-40.
Hegarty, P. J., & Bruckmüller, S. (2013). Asymmetric explanations of group differences: Experimental evidence of Foucault’s disciplinary power. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7, 176-186.
Hegarty, P. J., & Bruckmüller, S. (2013). Teaching & learning guide for: Asymmetric explanations of group differences: Experimental evidence of Foucault’s disciplinary power. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7, 701-705.
Menzel C, Fowler A, Tennie C, Call J (2013). “Leaf Surface Roughness Elicits Leaf Swallowing Behavior in Captive Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and Bonobos (P. paniscus), but not in Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) or Orangutans (Pongo abelii)”. International Journal of Primatology 34(3): 533-553. DOI: 10.1007/s10764-013-9679-7
Rakić, T., & Steffens, M. C. (2013). Dialects and accents in Western Europe. In H. Giles & B. Watson (Eds.), The social meanings of language, dialect, and accent: International perspectives on speech styles (pp. 45-63). New York: Peter Lang.
Reese, G., Steffens, M. C., & Jonas, K. J. (2013). When black sheep make us think: Information processing and devaluation of in- and out-group norm deviants. Social Cognition, 31, 382-503. .
Ritter, V., Ertel, V., Beil, K., Steffens, M. C., & Stangier, U. (in Druck). In the presence of social threat: Implicit and explicit self-esteem in social anxiety disorder. Cognitive Therapy and Research.
Scholz, J. (2013). The Possibility of a Quantitative Queer Psychology. In K. O'Mara & L. Morrish (Eds.), Queering Paradigms III. Queer Impact and Practices (S. 237-258). Oxford u.a.: Peter Lang.
Schult, J., & Steffens, M. C. (2013). Tuned for the future: Intentions are only accessible when a retrieval opportunity is near. Memory & Cognition, 41, 1252-1260.
Steffens, M. C., Landmann, S., & Mecklenbräuker, S. (2013) Participant sexual orientation matters: New evidence on the gender bias in face recognition. Experimental Psychology, 60, 362-367
Uchronski, M., Abele, A.E., & Bruckmüller, S. (2013).The situational malleability of the communal self-concept: How perspective-taking affects self-descriptions. Self and Identity, 12, 236-256.
von Stülpnagel, R., & Steffens, M. C. (2013). Active route learning in virtual environments: Disentangling movement control from intention, instruction specificity, and navigation control. Psychological Research, 5, 555-574
West, K., & Bruckmüller, S. (2013). Nice and easy does it: How perceptual fluency moderates the effectiveness of imagined contact. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49, 254-262.
Wiese, H., Wolff, N., Steffens, M.C., Schweinberger, S.R. (2013). How experience shapes memory for faces: An event-related potential study on the own-age bias. Biological Psychology, 94, 369-379. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.07.001
Adams, G., Bruckmüller, S., & Decker, S. (2012).Self and agency in context: Ecologies of abundance and scarcity. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 1, 141–153.
Bruckmüller, S., Hegarty, P., & Abele, A.E. (2012).Framing gender differences: Linguistic normativity affects perceptions of power and gender stereotypes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 210-218.
Martiny, S. E., Roth, J., Jelenec, P., Steffens, M. C., & Croizet, J.-C. (2012). When a new group identity does harm on the spot: Stereotype threat in newly created groups. European Journal of Social Psychology 42, 65-7
Reese, G., Berthold, A., & Steffens, M. C. (2012). We are the world – and they are not: Prototypicality for the world community, legitimacy, and responses to global inequality. Political Psychology, 33, 683-700.
Roth, J., Steffens, M. C., Morina, N., & Stangier, U. (2012). Changed for the worse: Subjective change in implicit and explicit self-esteem in individuals with current, past, and no posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics, 81, 64-66.
Sieben, A. & Scholz, J. (2012). (Queer-)Feministische Psychologien. Eine Einführung. Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.
von Stülpnagel, R., & Steffens, M. C. (2012). Can active navigation be as good as driving? A comparison of spatial memory in drivers and backseat-drivers. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 18, 162-177.
Abele, A.E., & Bruckmüller, S. (2011).The bigger one of the "Big Two"?Preferential processing of communal information. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 935-948.
Bruckmüller, S., & Branscombe, N.R. (2011).How women end up on the ‘glass cliff’. Harvard Business Review, 2011, January-February.
Glöckner, A. & Ebert, I. D. (2011). Legal intuition and expertise. In M. Sinclair (Ed.), Handbook of Intuition Research (157-167). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Mecklenbräuker, S., Steffens, M. C., Jelenec, P., & Goergens, N. K. (2011). Interactive-context integration in children? Evidence from an action-memory study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108, 747-761.
Rakić, T., Steffens, M. C., & Mummendey, A. (2011). When it matters how you pronouce it: The influence of regional accents on job interview outcome. British Journal of Psychology (Special issue: Person perception 25 years after Bruce & Young, 1986).
Rakić, T., Steffens, M. C., & Mummendey, A. (2011). Blinded by the accent! The minor role of looks in ethnic categorization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100, 16-29.
Schult, J. C., & Steffens, M. C. (2011). On the representation of intentions: Do personally relevant consequences determine activation? Memory & Cognition, 39, 8, 1487-1495.
Steffens, M. C., & Jelenec, P. (2011). Separating implicit gender stereotypes regarding math and language: Implicit stereotypes are self-serving for boys and men, but not for girls and women. Sex Roles, 64, 324-335.
Walther, E., Ebert, I., & Meinerling, K. (2011). Does cue competition reduce conditioned liking of brands and products?, Psychology & Marketing 28 (5), 520-528.
Bianchi, M., Mummendey, A., Steffens, M. C., & Yzerbyt, V. (2010). What do you mean by European? Evidence of spontaneous ingroup projection. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 960-974.
Bruckmüller, S., & Abele, A.E. (2010). Comparison focus in intergroup comparisons: Who we compare to whom influences who we see as powerful and agentic. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36, 1424-1435.
Bruckmüller, S., & Branscombe, N.R. (2010). When and why does the glass cliff in leader selec-tion occur? The role of gender stereotypes. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49, 433-451.
Risch, A. K., Buba, A., Birk, U., Morina, N., Steffens, M. C., & Stangier, U. (2010). Implicit self-esteem in recurrently depressed patients. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry.
Scholz, J. (2010). Psychologischer Essentialismus als Relevantes Konzept für die Genderforschung. Journal für Psychologie, 18
Steffens, M. C. (2010). Diskriminierung von Homo- und Bisexuellen. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Themenheft: Homosexualität) (Beilage zur Wochenzeitung: Das Parlament), 15-16, 14-20.
Steffens, M. C. & Ebert, I. D. (2010). Sozialpsychologische Geschlechterforschung: Bereicherung der Gender Studies? In: Feminisms revisited (Freiburger Geschlechterstudien) (Vol. 24) (193-206). Leverkusen: Budrich UniPress.
Steffens, M. C., Jelenec, P., & Noack, P. (2010). On the leaky math pipeline: Comparing implicit math-gender stereotypes and math withdrawal in female and male children and adolescents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 947-963.
Steffens, M. C., & Jonas, K. J. (2010). Editorial: Implicit attitude measures. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology. (Special Issue: Implicit attitude measures).
Steffens, M. C., & Jonas, K. J. (2010). Attitudes towards adoptive parents, child age, and child gender: The role of applicants' sexual orientation. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, Sonderheft 7, 205-219.
von Stülpnagel, R., & Steffens, M. C. (2010). Prejudiced or just smart? Intelligence as a confounding factor in the IAT effect. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology.
Bianchi, M., Machunsky, M., Steffens, M. C., & Mummendey, A. (2009). Like me or like us: Is ingroup projection just social projection? Experimental Psychology, 56, 198-205.
Ebert, I. D., Steffens, M. C., von Stülpnagel, R., & Jelenec, P. (2009). How to like yourself better, or chocolate, less: Changing implicit attitudes with one IAT task. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 1098-1104.
Steffens, M. C., Ebert, I. D. & Jelenec, P. (2009). Automatische Geschlechterstereotype? In E. Wendler & A. Zwickies (Eds.), 100 Jahre Frauenstudium in Jena - Bilanz und Ausblick (121-133). Jena: IKS Garamond Verlag.
Steffens, M. C., Jelenec, P., & Mecklenbräuker, S. (2009). Decomposing the memory processes contributing to enactment effects by multinomial modeling. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 61-83.
Steffens, M. C., Schult, J. C., & Ebert, I. D. (2009). Feminization of management leads to backlash against agentic applicants: Lack of social skills, not gender, determines low hireability judgments in student samples. Psychology Science Quarterly, 51, 16-46.
Steffens, M. C., & Wagner, C. (2009). Diskriminierung von Lesben, Schwulen und Bisexuellen. In A. Beelmann & K. J. Jonas (Eds.), Diskriminierung und Toleranz: Psychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungsperspektiven (pp. 241-262). Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag.
Steffens, M. C. (2008). Zur Erinnerung an ausgeführte Handlungen: Gewöhnliche Befunde, gewöhnliche Gedächtnistheorien, gewöhnliche Hinweisreize. In G. D. Rey & T. Wehr (Eds.), Kognitive Psychologie. Ausgewählte Grundlagen- und Anwendungsbeispiele (pp. 129-144). Lengerich: Pabst.
Steffens, M. C., Kirschbaum, M., & Glados, P. (2008). Avoiding stimulus confounds in Implicit Association Tests by using the concepts as stimuli. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47, 217-243.
Steffens, M. C., Yundina, E., & Panning, M. (2008). Automatic associations with "erotic" in child sexual offenders: Identifying those in danger of reoffence. Sexual Offender Treatment, 3, 1-9.
Scholz, J. (2007). The Global Gender Gap. In H. Stubbe (Ed.), Weltprobleme und Psychologie (153-174). Aachen: Shaker.
Steffens, M. C. (2007). Memory for goal-directed sequences of actions: Is doing better than seeing? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 14 (6),1194-1198.
Steffens, M. C. (2007). Voraussetzungen des Verstehens und Ursachen von Missverständnissen. In H. Schmidinger & C. Sedmak (Eds.), Sprache -Dialog - Ritual: Der Mensch, ein 'animal symbolicum'? (pp. 155-165). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Steffens, M. C., Buchner, A., Wender, K. F., & Decker, C. (2007). Limits on the role of retrieval cues in memory for actions: Enactment effects in the absence of object cues in the environment. Memory & Cognition, 30, 1841-1853.
Steffens, M. C., & Mecklenbräuker, S. (2007). False memories: Phenomena, theories, and implications. Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology, 215, 12-24.
Jansen, E. & Steffens, M. C. (2006). Lesbische Mütter, schwule Väter und ihre Kinder im Spiegel psychosozialer Forschung. Verhaltenstherapie & psychosoziale Praxis, 38, 643-656.
Steffens, M. C., Jelenec, P., Mecklenbräuker, S., & Thompson, E. M. (2006). Decomposing retrieval and integration in memory for actions: A multinomial modelling approach. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 557-576.
Steffens, M. C., & Schulze-König, S. (2006). Predicting spontaneous big five behavior with implicit association tests. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 22, 13-20.
Steffens, M. C., & Thompson, E. M. (2006). Verruchte - Perverse - Kranke - Unsichtbare: Der historische Blick. In T. Heinrich, P.Hammelstein & U. Biechele (Eds.), Andersverrückt? Lesben und Schwule in der Psychiatrie (Jahrbuch Lesben -Schwule - Psychologie 2006). Lengerich: Pabst.
Steffens, M. C. (2005). Implicit and explicit attitudes towards lesbians and gay men. Journal of Homosexuality, 49, 39-66.
Steffens, M. C., Buchner, A., & Mecklenbräuker, S. (2005). Gender bias infame judgments: Implicit gender stereotyping or matching study phasefame? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 12, 465-501.
Steffens, M. C. (2004). Is the implicit association test immune to faking? Experimental Psychology, 51, 165-179.
Steffens, M. C., Lichau, J., Still, Y., Jelenec, P., Anheuser, J., Goergens, N.K., et al. (2004). Individuum oder Gruppe, Exemplar oder Kategorie? Ein Zweifaktorenmodell zur Erklärung der Reaktionszeitunterschiede im Implicit Association Test (IAT) [Individual or group, exemplar or category? A two-factor model for explaining reaction-time differencesin the Implicit Association Test (IAT)]. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 212, 57-65.
Steffens, M. C., Mecklenbräuker, S., Buchner, A., & Mehl, B. (2004). On the bounded rationality of implicit gender stereotyping in fame judgments. European Journal of Social Psychology, 34, 397-406.
Steffens, M. C., & Wagner, C. (2004). Attitudes towards lesbians, gay men, bisexual women, and bisexual men in Germany. Journal of Sex Research, 41, 137-149.
Steffens, M. C., & Buchner, A. (2003). Implicit association test: Separating transsituationally stable and variable components of attitudes toward gay men. Experimental Psychology, 50, 33-48.
Steffens, M. C., Buchner, A., & Wender, K. F. (2003). Quite ordinary retrieval cues may determine free recall of actions. Journal of Memory and Language, 48, 399-415.
Steffens, M. C., & Mehl, B. (2003). Erscheinen "Karrierefrauen" weniger sozial kompetent als "Karrieremänner"? - Geschlechterstereotype und Kompetenzzuschreibung [Do "career women" appear less socially competent than "career men"? Gender stereotypes and manager selection]. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 34, 173-185.
Steffens, M. C., & Thompson, E. M. (2003). "Du hast ja Glück: Zwei Mamis!" oder "Aber die Kinder…"? Ergebnisse psychosozialer Forschung zu Regenbogenfamilien ["Aren't you lucky: Two mommies!" or "But the kids…"? Psycho-social research on rainbow families]. In M. C. Steffens & M. Ise (Eds.), Jahrbuch Lesben Schwule Psychologie (pp. 100-116). Lengerich: Pabst.
Jelenec, P., & Steffens, M. C. (2002). Implicit attitudes toward elderly women and men. Current Research in Social Psychology, 7, 275-293.
Buchner, A. & Steffens, M. C. (2001). Auditory negative priming in speeded reactions and temporal order judgements. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 54A, 1125-1142.
Buchner, A. & Steffens, M. C. (2001). Simultaneous learning of different regularities in sequence learning tasks: Limits and characteristics. Psychological Research, 65, 71-80.
Steffens, M. C., & Plewe, I. (2001). Items' cross-category associations as aconfounding factor in the Implicit Association Test. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 48, 123-134.
Steffens, M.C., Buchner, A., Martensen, H., Erdfelder, E.(2000). Further evidence on the similarity of memory processes in the process dissociation procedure and in source monitoring. Memory & Cognition, 28 (7), 1152-1164
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