Lea-Johanna Klebba M.A.


Fortstraße 7
Building: K, Room: 3.25
76829 Landau


+49 6341 280-36717

+49 6341 280-36711 (secretary's office)

+49 6341


Visiting hours

by appointment

Since April 2019: Junior researcher and PhD candidate at the Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education (IKM) in the department of Media Psychology (Prof. Dr. Stephan Winter), University of Koblenz-Landau

2017-2019: PhD candidate with a doctoral scholarship (Christoph-Martin-Wieland Graduate Forum) in the department of Media and Communication Research, Erfurt University

2016-2018: Research assistant in the department of Empirical Communication Research and Methods, Erfurt University

2014-2017: Master of Arts in Communication Research (Politics and Society), Erfurt University

2011-2014: Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (Media and Communication Industry: Digital and Print), Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Ravensburg


Klebba, L.-J., & Winter, S. (in press). Crisis alert: (Dis)information selection and sharing in the COVID-19 pandemic. Communications - The European Journal of Communication Research. https://doi.org/10.1515/commun-2022-0020

Klebba, L.-J., & Winter, S. (2022, July). The Influence of Threat and Right-Wing Authoritarianism on the Selection of Online (Dis)Information - A Pre-Registered Test of the Threat-RWA-Activation Hypothesis. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology, Athens, Greece.

Klebba, L.-J. & Winter, S. (2022, May). The Influence of Threat and Right-Wing Authoritarianism on the Selection of Online (Dis)Information - A Pre-Registered Test of the Threat-RWA-Activation Hypothesis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, France. 

Klebba, L.-J. & Winter, S. (2021, September). A fatal affair? Is right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) reactive to threat? Poster presented at the Media Psychology conference of the German Psychological Society DGPs. Aachen, Germany.

Klebba, L.-J. & Winter, S. (2021, May). Threat alert: (Fake) News selection and sharing during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Communication Association. Virtual Event.

Klebba, L.-J. & Winter, S. (2020, January). Information selection in times of crisis. The effect of threat on selective information selection and further information seeking. Presentation at the conference of 24 Hours of Political Psychology. Hagen, Germany.

  • Information behavior in times of crisis
  • Selective exposure in the selection and selective sharing of political information
  • Political Psychology and Ideology Research (Right-Wing-Authoritarianism, Theory of Social-Dominance Orientation, Lay Epistemic Theory)
  • Opinion formation and opinion leadership in digital social networks
  • Media effects research (spiral of silence theory, third-person effect)