Lukas Fock M.Sc.


Fortstraße 7
Building: K, Room: 3.26
76829 Landau


+49 (0) 6341 280-34238

+49 (0) 6341 280-36711 (secretary's office)

+49 6341

Visiting hours

By appointment O `clock

Since June 2024: Research assistant (doctoral student) in the StraKoSim project at the Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education (IKM), Department of Media Psychology (Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Winter), Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University Kaiserslautern-Landau

May - September 2023: Research Assistant (research group 3: social processes), Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media (Head: Prof. Dr. Kai Sassenberg), Tübingen

June 2022: Research Internship at the Center for Cultural and Social Psychology (Head: Prof. Dr. Jozefien De Leersynder), KU Leuven, Belgium.

2018-2024: Bachelor's & Master's Degree in Psychology, at the RPTU, formerly University of Koblenz-Landau.

During studies: Social Work at Jugendwerk Landau; participation in the "MindTheMind" project of the European Federation of Psychology Students (EFPSA) to destigmatize mental illness; statistics tutor.


Extended Abstract der Bachelorarbeit:

Fock, L., Klebba, L.-J. & Winter, S. (2021) Third-Person Effect & Conspiracy Theories: It's always the others! Publication of an extended abstract about the bachelor thesis in Festzeitschrift Junges Forschen, Universität Koblenz, Volume 5 >>

  • Conspiracy Theories in the context of Signal Detection Theory

  • Communication of Scientific Uncertainty (by Stakeholders)

  • Third Person & False Consensus Effect as well as Majority/Minority Influence