Lehre und Abschlussarbeiten

Theses Supervision

In general, I supervise work on the following topics:

  • Media effects and political communication effects.
  • Attitude formation and change, voting behaviour, policy preferences, attitudes and acceptability
  • Social identities, national identity and identification processes, nationalism, social categorisation theory, outgroup prejudice and attitudes
  • Attitudes towards immigrants and refugees
  • Climate change attitudes, pro-environmental behaviour.
  • Euroscepticism, populist and right-wing attitudes and voting behaviour.


Current Projects (open to BA Theses)

  • The effects of media framing on representations of national identity and attitude formation (i.e. outgroup prejudice, immigration attitudes, policy preferences, Euroscepticism, climate change attitudes).
  • Climate and energy policy and mitigation, climate change attitudes, and the economic and political impact of climate change mitigation.
  • The role of media and political communication on attitudes towards climate change and environmental protection policies.