Dr. Diana Armbruster-Genç (Vertretungsprofessur)


Ostbahnstraße 12, 76829 Landau
Raum: 122
76829 Landau


Zur Person

Under review/submitted

Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N. & Basten, U. (submitted). Low flexibility of emotion regulation in adults with childhood maltreatment experiences. Preprint: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/6xfs7

Neil, L., Valton, V., Viding, E., Armbruster-Genc, D. J. N., Vuong, V., Packer, K., Sharp, M., Roiser, J., McCrory, E. (under review). Navigating a varying reward environment in childhood and adolescence

Peer reviewed articles


Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N., Neil, L., Valton, V., Phillips, H., Rankin, G., Sharp, M., Rapley, J., Viding, E., Roiser, J. P. & McCrory, E. (2024). Childhood maltreatment is associated with lower exploration and disrupted prefrontal activity and connectivity during reward learning in volatile environments. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcpp.14095

Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N., Rammensee, R.A., Jungmann, S.M. et al. The Ambiguous Cue Task: Measurement reliability of an experimental paradigm for the assessment of interpretation bias and associations with mental health. Behavior Research Methods (2024). https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-024-02451-y

Gerin, M., Viding, E., Neil, L., Armbruster-Genc, D., Freeman, Z.C.L, Sharp, M., Phillips, H., McCrory, E. (2024). Heightened response to positive facial cues as a potential marker of resilience following childhood adversity. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 15(1).


Basten, U., Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N. (2023). Neurobiologie der Emotionsregulation im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In In-Albon, T. (Hrsg.): Emotionsregulation und psychische Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Wessa, M., Jungmann, S., Strömer, E., Armbruster-Genc, D.J.N., Basten, U. (2023). Negative interpretation bias in depression: from bench to bedside. Project Description and Results: https://osf.io/7k2d3


Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N., Valton, V., Neil, L., Vuong, V., Freeman, Z. C. L., Packer, K. C., Kiffin, M. J., Roiser, J. P., Viding, E., & McCrory, E. (2022). Altered reward and effort processing in children with maltreatment experience: A potential indicator of mental health vulnerability. Neuropsychopharmacology, 47(5).

Neil, L., Viding, E., Armbruster-Genc, D. J., Lisi, M., Mareshal, I., Rankin, G., Sharp, M., Phillips, H., Rapley, J., Martin, P., McCrory, E. (2022). Trust and childhood maltreatment: Evidence of bias in appraisal of unfamiliar faces. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63 (3), 655-662.


Puetz, V., Maguire, E.A., Mechelli, A., Sharp, M., Rankin, G., Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N., Viding, E., McCrory, E. (2021). Functional brain plasticity following childhood maltreatment: A longitudinal fMRI investigation of autobiographical memory processing. Developmental Psychopathology, 20, 1-8.


Armbruster-Genç, D. J., Ueltzhöffer, K., & Fiebach, C.J. (2016). Brain signal variability differentially affects cognitive flexibility and cognitive stability. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(14), 3978 –3987.


Ueltzhöffer, K., Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N., Fiebach, C.J. (2015). Stochastic dynamics underlying cognitive flexibility and stability. PLOS Computational Biology, 11(6): e1004331.


Richter, S.H., Vogel, A.S., Ueltzhöffer, K., Muzzillo, C., Vogt, M.A., Lankisch, K., Armbruster-Genç, D. J. N., Riva, M., Fiebach, C.J., Gass, P., Vollmayr, B. (2014). Touchscreen-paradigm for mice reveals cross-species evidence for an antagonistic Relationship between cognitive flexibility and stability. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 154.


Armbruster, D. J., Ueltzhöffer, K., Basten, U., & Fiebach, C.J. (2012). Prefrontal cortical mechanisms underlying individual differences in cognitive flexibility and stability. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(12), 2385-2399.

Gilbert, S.J., Armbruster, D. J., Panagiotidi, M. (2012). Similarity between brain activity at encoding and retrieval predicts successful realization of delayed intentions. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(1), 93-105.


Diana J N Armbruster-Genc (researchgate.net)

Akademischer Werdegang

seit 10/2024

Vertretungsprofessur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie des Kindes- und Jugendalters, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau

seit 01/2022

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Arbeitseinheit für Biologische und Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Campus Landau
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Basten


Postdoctoral Researcher, Developmental Risk and Resilience Unit, University College London
Prof. Dr. Eamon McCrory, Prof. Dr. Essi Viding


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Promotion, Dr. phil.nat.

FiebachLab, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Prof. Dr. Christian Fiebach


Psychologie-Studium, Diplom

Institut für Psychologie, Universität Heidelberg



Klinische Tätigkeit


Zusatzqualifikation Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie

ZI Mannheim, Universität Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Josef Bailer, PD Dr. Anne Dyer


Ambulante Psychotherapie

Private Praxis BE WELL LONDON


Ausbildung Psychologische Psychotherapie (Verhaltenstherapie)

Ausbildungsprogramm Psychologische Psychotherapie & Klinik für Psychiatrie,
Goethe Universität, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stangier, apl. Prof. Dr. Regina Steil, Dr. Viola Oertel