Pascal Merz, M.A.


Fortstraße 7
Gebäude: K, Raum: 5.03
76829 Landau


+49 6341 280-33457
+49 6341 280-36711 (Sekretariat)

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Since April 2025: Research Assistant/Doctoral Candidate (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Campus Landau); Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education; Department of Media Psychology (Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Winter)

2021-2025: Research Assistant/Doctoral Candidate (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Campus Landau); Institute for Communication Psychology and Media Education; Department of Political Psychology & Communication (Head: JProf. Dr. Christian von Sikorski

2020-2021: M.A., Social and Communication Sciences (University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau); Profile: Political Communication/Political Psychology

2016-2020: B.A., Social and Communication Sciences (University of Koblenz-Landau, Campus Landau); Profile: Work-Education-Business

2013-2016: B.Sc., Business Informatics (dual study program) (Duale Hochschule Stuttgart / Robert Bosch GmbH)


Kubin, E., Merz, P., Wahba, M., Davis, C., Gray, K., & von Sikorski, C. (2024). Understanding news-related user comments and their effects: A systematic review. Frontiers in Communication, 9,

Christner, C., Merz, P., Barkela, B., Jungkunst, H., & von Sikorski, C. (2024). Combatting climate disinformation: Comparing the effectiveness of correction placement and type. Environmental Communication, 18(6).

von Sikorski, C., & Merz, P. (2023). No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-Semitic attacks increases victim blaming. Communications, 48(4), 539–550.

von Sikorski, C., & Merz, P. (2022). Die Bedeutung der medialen Kommunikation in Kriegen und Konflikten. In C. Cohrs, N. Knab & G. Sommer (Eds.), Handbuch Friedenspsychologie, 1–25. 

Conference Presentations

Huh, E., Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2025, May). How Do Americans Perceive Fully AI-Generated News? The Interplay of AI Attitudes, Political Ideology, and Issue Attitudes. Accepted paper presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, USA.

Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2025, May).Who is Being Influenced? Investigating the (Non-)Political Experiences of Young Adults with Social Media Influencers Using a Latent Profile Analysis. Accepted paper presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Denver, USA.

Huh, E., Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2024, November). How do people perceive audiovisual news coverage from fully AI-generated news outlets? Paper presentation at the International Conference of the German Communication Association (Visual Communication Section) and the Visual Communication Studies Division of the International Communication Association (ICA) on Generative Images - Generative Imageries: Challenges of Visual Communication (Research) in the Age of AI, 20-22 November, Bremen, Germany. 

Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2024, September). Who is Really Influenced by Social Media Influencers (SMI)? Examining the Role of Parasocial Relationships with SMI as Catalyst for Collective Political Beliefs and Action. Paper presentation at the annual German Psychological Society (DGPS) Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2024, August). Social Media Influencers Can Increase Collective Political Beliefs and Actions: Findings from Experiments and a Field Study. Paper  presentation at the annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, Philadelphia, USA.

Kubin, E., Merz, P., Wahba, M., Davis, C., Gray, K., & von Sikorski, C. (2024, August). Understanding News-Related User Comments and Their Effects: A Systematic Review. Accepted for presentation at the annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, Philadelphia, USA.

Merz, P., Niewienda, E., & von Sikorski, C. (2024, January). Act now! Die Wirkung multi-medialer Posts von Social Media Influencern auf kollektive Wirksamkeitsüberzeugungen und kollektive politische Handlungsabsichten im Kontext des Klimawandels. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the Communication and Politics section of  the German Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (DGPuK), Bern, Switzerland.

Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2023, May). Act Now! How Social Media Influencers' Climate Change Communication Affects Collective Environmental Action Intentions. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Christner, C., Merz, P., Barkela, B., Jungkunst, H., & von Sikorski, C. (2023, May). Combatting Climate Disinformation: Comparing the Effectiveness of Correction Placement and Type. Paper presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Merz, P., & von Sikorski, C. (2022, May). No-go zone for Jews? Examining how news on anti-semitic attacks increase victim blaming. Poster presentation at the annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Paris, France.

  • Political & environmental communication
  • Social media influencers & politics
  • AI & journalism
  • (Correction of) political misinformation