Dr. Dominik Henrich

Office hours

by agreement


+49 6341 280-35640



2nd floor, room 1

Ostbahnstraße 10

76829 Landau

About the person


08/1996 – 06/2006Johannes-Althusius-Gymnasium, Bad Berleburg,
Germany [secondary school]
06/2006Abitur [university-entrance diploma]
10/2006 – 03/2012Diploma in Psychology, University of Koblenz-
Landau, Germany
Thesis: “Execution and validation of a
requirements analysis for the study of
psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau“
Supervisors: Dr. Susanne Weis, Prof. Dr.
Manfred Schmitt
04/2013 – 09/2018Postgraduate training in Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy, Weiterbildungsstudiengang in
Psychologischer Psychotherapie (WiPP),
University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany


Professional Experience

05/2010 – 07/2010Internship at the Center for Methodologies,
Diagnostics and Evaluation (Dr. Susanne Weis),
University Koblenz-Landau, Germany
09/2010 – 06/2011Student research assistant at the Department of
Educational Research (Prof. Dr. Andreas
Helmke), University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
04/2012 – 09/2012Graduate research assistant at the Department
of Educational Research (Prof. Dr. Andreas
Helmke), University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
09/2012 – 12/2012Associate at Great Place to Work Deutschland
GmbH, Köln, Germany [temporary project]
01/2013 – 12/2013Research associate at the Zentrum für
empirisch-pädagogische Forschung (Prof. Dr.
Ingmar Hosenfeld), University of Koblenz-
Landau, Germany
04/2013 – 11/2013Psychological Therapist in Training, University
Outpatient Clinic, Landau, Germany
01/2014 – 06/2015Psychological Therapist in Training,
Privatklinik Bad Gleisweiler, Germany
07/2015 – 09/2018Psychological Therapist in Training, University
Outpatient Clinic, Landau, Germany
Since 12/2013Associate at the University Outpatient Clinic,
Landau, Germany


Further Training

10/2010 – 06/2011Systemic and solution-focused counselling,
Nutzenorientiertes Netzwerk GbR, Mainz, Germany
01/2018Data security officer training, Kommunal-
Akademie Rheinland-Pfalz e.V., Mainz, Germany
04/2018Triple P Provider Training, Triple P
Deutschland GmbH, Rauischholzhausen, Germany
06/2018Data security officer training, Vorest AG,
Mainz, Germany


International Expirience

07/2009 – 01/2010Semester abroad
University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia


Grants and Awards

06/2018Travel grant from the University of Koblenz-
Landau for participating in the 49.
International Annual Meeting of the Society for
Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands
06/2019Nominated for the Poster Award at the 37th
congress of the German Psychological
Association (Clinical Psychology and
Psychotherapy Section), Erlangen, Germany
Since 11/2019Three-year PhD Scholarship awarded by the
Verein für Forschung und Lehre in
Psychologischer Psychotherapie e.V., Landau,


Conference contributions

Henrich, D., Glombiewski, J. A., & Scholten, S. (2023). Systematic review of training in cognitive-behavioral therapy: Summarizing effects, costs and techniques. Clinical Psychology Review, 102266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpr.2023.102266

Henrich, D., Scholten, S., Winter, D. & Glombiewski, J. A. (2019).
„Zeig doch mal ein Video“: Evaluation einer Methode zur
strukturierten Video-Supervision. Poster presented at the 37th
congress of the German Psychological Association (Clinical
Psychology and Psychotherapy Section), Erlangen, Germany.

Henrich, D., Heider, J. & Schröder, A. (2018). Exploring the Effects
of Therapist Self-Experience in Psychotherapy Training: Development
of a brief inventory to evaluate self-rated change. Poster
presented at the 49. International Annual Meeting of the Society
for Psychotherapy Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Book reviews

Henrich, D. (2018). Emotionen: Bücher zum Thema. Psychotherapie im
Dialog. 19, 121-127.

Ausbildung und Entwicklung von Psychotherapeut*innen

Nutzung von Videos in der Supervision