Dr. Philipp Herzog
Philipp Herzog is a post-doctoral researcher in the Pain and Psychotherapy Research Lab directed by Prof. Dr. Julia Anna Glombiewski and lecturer in clinical psychology at the Department of Psychology. As a trauma researcher, he works at the intersection of clinical and intervention science with a strong translational research focus. Using quantitative clinical psychology approaches, he is interested in how to best understand, measure, prevent, and treat complex and severe mental health problems after (repeated) exposure to extremely life-threatening events (i.e., trauma such as physical and sexual violence) and interpersonal threatening situations (e.g., emotional abuse in childhood), mainly focusing on symptoms related to posttraumatic stress disorder (e.g., re-experiencing symptoms), moral injury (e.g., chronic guilt), and borderline personality disorder (e.g., affective instability). His research aims to improve clinical decision-making.
He is licensed as a clinical psychologist in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and trained in various modern psychological treatment approaches, including Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). In his clinical work, he is experienced in treating adults with complex trauma-related mental health problems: Mental disorders that are clinically diagnosed as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
As a Scientist-Practitioner, this clinical experience continuously impacts his research and teaching.
Education and Training
10/2016 - 09/2022 | Institut für Psychotherapieausbildung Marburg (IPAM) Postgraduate training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) Licensed Psychotherapist (“Approbation zum Psychologischen Psychotherapeuten”) Grade: „Sehr gut” [A] Director: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief |
10/2019 – | Training as a certified DBT1 therapist under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schweiger, Dr. Valerija Sipos, Dr. Kristin Heinecke, & Dr. Diana Braakmann |
03/2017 – | Training as a certified CBASP2 therapist under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Eva-Lotta Brakemeier |
10/2016 – | Institut für Psychotherapieausbildung Marburg (IPAM) Postgraduate training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) Director: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief |
12/2016 – 08/2020 | Philipps-University of Marburg PhD in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Thesis: Optimizing the effects of psychotherapy: effectiveness, predictors and side effects in routine clinical care Degree: Doctor of Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.), Grade: magna cum laude Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Eva-Lotta Brakemeier, Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief |
10/2010 – 11/2016 | Philipps-University of Marburg Diploma in Psychology (Grade: "sehr gut" [A]) Fields of specialization: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Cognitive Neuroscience Thesis: "Validation of a questionnaire for the assessment of transcultural competencies in psychotherapists (TKKP)" Supervisors: Dr. Judith Reichhardt, Dr. Cornelia Weise |
Academic positions
02/2023 - 09/2023 | Harvard University Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Psychology (McNally Lab) Head of Lab: Prof. Dr. Richard J. McNally |
01/2023 | University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) Postdoctoral Researcher (Faculty Position) at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Pain and Psychotherapy Research Lab) Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Julia Anna Glombiewski |
01/2022 - 12/2022 | University of Koblenz-Landau Research Fellow (Post Doc Position) at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (Pain and Psychotherapy Research Lab) Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Julia Anna Glombiewski |
10/2019 – 12/2021 | University of Greifswald Research Fellow at the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Eva-Lotta Brakemeier |
11/2020 – 12/2021 | Zentrum für Integrative Psychiatrie (ZIP gGmbH) at the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck Clinician-Scientist-Model: Psychologist in the Outpatient Clinic and Research Fellow in the Lab for Psychotherapy Research: Outpatient Programs (PI: Dr. Eva Faßbinder) |
01/2015 – 03/2017 | MoReData GmbH, Gießen Student Trainee (Focus: Organization of Assessment Centers) Instructor: Jörg Reitze |
07/2016 – 08/2016 | GIDEON GmbH, Potsdam Psychological Intern (Focus: Business Psychology, Emergency Psychology) Internship Supervisor: Dr. Gerd Reimann |
04/2015 – 10/2015 | Philipps-University Marburg Student Teaching Assistant in the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief |
05/2014 – 07/2014 | Asklepios Clinic Göttingen Clinical Intern (Focus: Cultures, Migration and Mental Disorders) Internship Supervisor: Dr. Ibrahim Oezkan |
09/2011 – 07/2013 | Philipps-University Marburg Student Research Assistant in the Department of Clinical Biopsychology Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Urs M. Nater |
Clinical Experience
10/2019 – 11/2020 | Zentrum für Integrative Psychiatrie (ZIP gGmbH) at the University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck Psychotherapist in postgraduate training (CBT) Psychiatric Day-Care Clinic for Psychosomatics with a focus on "Dialectical-behavioral therapy of borderline personality disorder with comorbid eating disorder" Head of Day-Clinic: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schweiger |
10/2016 – 09/2019 | Psychotherapie-Ambulanz Marburg (PAM) Psychotherapist in postgraduate training (CBT) Treatment of Outpatients |
Teaching and mentoring experience
Classes (“Seminar”) in Bachelor and Master programs in Psychology at different universities:
- Philipps-University of Marburg: Obsessive-compulsive disorders (2017, 2018), Affective disorders (2019), Application of clinical-psychological interventions (“Interventionspraktikum I + II“) (2015, 2017, 2018), Modern psychological treatment approaches (e.g., DBT, CBASP) (2018)
- University of Greifswald: Obsessive-compulsive disorders (2019, 2020, 2021)
- University of Luxembourg: Basic intervention techniques (2021)
- University of Koblenz-Landau/ University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU): Obsessive-compulsive disorders (2022), Evaluation of clinical-psychological interventions (2022), Case conceptualization (“Fallseminar”) (2022), Basic clinical-psychological interventions (2022), Classes on selected mental disorders (e.g., borderline personality disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder) (2022)
Lectures on:
- Personalized Psychotherapy (Master’s program in Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau/University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)) (2022, 2023)
Supervision of:
- M. Sc. Hannah Willems: Start of PhD in October 2022 at the University of Koblenz-Landau/ University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) (primary supervisor)
- More than 15 bachelor and master theses at the Philipps-University of Marburg, University of Greifswald and University of Koblenz-Landau/University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Research support
2022 | Start-up funding of the project “On the role of dysfunctional expectations in daily life of people with posttraumatic stress disorder: An experience sampling method study” in the context of the promotion for young postdoctoral researchers at the University of Koblenz-Landau (approx. 8.150€) |
2022 | Travel grant for participating in the 53rd International Annual Meeting 2022 of the Society for Psychotherapy Research in the context of the promotion for young postdoctoral researchers at the University of Koblenz-Landau (1.525€) |
2021 | Start-up funding of the project “On the development and persistence of dysfunctional expectations in posttraumatic stress disorder: A multi-method series of investigations in healthy and clinical samples” in the context of the promotion for young postdoctoral researchers at the University of Greifswald (approx. 10.000€) |
2021 | Start-up funding of the project “Optimizing brief psychological interventions using Leapfrog” in the context of the call for proposals “Impuls Forschung” (5.000€) |
Honors and awards
2020 | Teaching Award of the Department of Psychology at the University of Greifswald: Best Teaching in the Master's Program in Psychology (3rd Place) |
12/2016 – 09/2019 | Three-year PhD Scholarship awarded by the Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany |
Ad hoc reviewing experience
Psychological Medicine, Behaviour Research and Therapy, Psychotherapy Research, Journal of Anxiety Disorders, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, European Journal of Psychotraumatology, Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, Clinical Psychology in Europe, BMC Psychiatry, Brain and Behavior, Psychopathology, Verhaltenstherapie, Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, PPmP - Psychosomatik · Medizinische Psychologie
Membership in scientific associatios
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie/German Psychological Society (DGPs)
Trauma- and stressor-, dissociation-, and personality-related psychopathology
- Theoretical accounts (e.g., belief updating/predictive processing)
- Experimental designs (e.g., trauma film paradigm)
Personalized psychopathological models (e.g., by using intensive longitudinal data collected by experience sampling methodology)
Practice-oriented research in psychotherapy
- Data-driven personalization of psychological treatments
- Innovative mental health care models (e.g., single session interventions)
- Routine outcome monitoring and clinical support systems
- Clinical prediction models
- Negative effects of psychological treatments
Implementation science
- Dissemination of evidence-based psychological treatments
- Implementation of single-case (experimental) designs into routine clinical care
- De-Implementation of ineffective and potentially harmful therapies