Dr. Saskia Scholten
Office hours
by agreement
Room 3.1.07 (3rd floor)
Ostbahnstraße 10
76829 Landau
Saskia Scholten is a licensed psychotherapist and post-doctoral researcher with Prof. Dr. Julia Anna Glombiewski. Her current activities lie within the field of personalized psychotherapy and psychotherapy training. She examines the potential to combine ecological momentary assessment, personalized symptom networks, and single case designs to enhance clinical decision-making. With Julia, Saskia is expanding her research to chronic pain patients. In addition to psychotherapy research, her interests include cross-cultural (clinical) psychology and macrosocial determinants of mental health.
Aktuelle Links zu Präregistrierungen:
Clinical psycology
Clinical decision-making
Data-based case conceptualization
Development of psychotherapist trainees and evaluation of psychotherapist training
Negative effects in psychotherapy
Process-oriented individualized network-based therapy
Cross-cultural (clinical) psycology
Comparability of assessment instruments
Differences and comparability of symptoms, conceptualization, diagnostic, etiology and
treatment of mental disorders
Integrating qualitative and quantitative research methods
Macro-social determinants of mental health
Relation between equality, freedom and wealth and mental health
Socioeconomic status and mental health (including treatment, therapy outcome etc.)
Subjective evaluation of macro-social determinants and mental health